Saturday, April 21, 2012

Licensed builders & unlicensed builders in thomasville GA - Buying A Standard home Vs. A Custom Green Home?

Realtors are not the only ones looking for creative way to sell homes. We can not leave out those builders that are making the most of minimum code.

An energy efficient (Green) home is a better built home. A green custom built home has to follow strict guidelines by the EPA and other green programs like LEED or NAHB Green. These guidelines are set so the outcome of a green custom home is a home built above minimum code, and a healthy home built above minimum code will save you 40% to 50% on your energy bill. A standard built home has no guidelines has no restrictions. A standard built home can be built with cheap materials, cheap labors, and built below or to bare minimum code and in my area these are the type of homes being built and widely shown for a quick sale.

These homes were advertised as quality built, but changed to luxury. I guess the quality work was left out and someone pointed this out. Do the math, buying a cheap home / non green home will only cost you more money in the long run. See a few listed examples below.

Example-1: Wrong size A/C unit = If the A/C is to small it will work overtime to cool the house and if the A/C is to big your home will have too much Moisture in the house and to much moisture creates mold.

Example-2: If the roof is not vented properly all that heat will not escape again A/C unit will be working overtime and in winter the cold attic will take longer for the A/C unit to warm the house.

Example-3: Improper use of valley metal or no valley metal and the improper use of roof paper. All have a good potential for a roof leak.

Example-4: Holes in the sheathing or big gaps is a good way to get cold spots in winter and A/C leakage in the summer, Also A good potential to keep the pest control companies in business. Big problems, in my part of town.

Example-5: We can go on listing all of the non benefits of building a cheap home or non green home, but hopefully you get it.

Example-6: Felt paper. As warm moist air rises the felt paper allows the moist air to pass through, but if some of the moisture condenses on the underside of the shingle, the felt paper keeps that condensed moisture from touching the wood.

The Florida Everglades are not the only place posing a big problem with snakes.